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loop back中文是什么意思

用"loop back"造句"loop back"怎么读"loop back" in a sentence


  • 环回


  • The chain of referrals has looped back to a referring server
  • Could a hurricane stall over miami , slip back out to sea , then loop back into miami again
  • Analog loop back is a common test for locating transmission problems in data transmission systems
  • The call to the selector always returned immediately , but because there was no data to read or connections to accept , it simply looped back into the
  • Panoramic mosaics method based on 8 - paramter planar homography usually has to overcome the accumulated errors , when a sequence images loops back on itself
  • The new oam protocols should have basic management regulations including link state testing , fault alert , loop back etc . in this paper , we implement oam protocols in both olt and onu by adding oam software function block
  • Because package configuration information is copied along with the package itself , you must also modify the package configuration to reverse one of the changes made in the preceding lesson , and point the foreach loop back to the original sample data folder
  • Depending on the implementation of the stored procedure , the procedure may then loop back through the statement , consuming resources needlessly , or the procedure may exit only to be reactivated shortly thereafter , consuming more resources than simply continuing to run
用"loop back"造句  


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